Sunday, November 27, 2011

time and value

My last post got me thinking about time and value.  This past Saturday I took this picture of one of the woodworkers, James Corbitt, at the farmers market with one of the bowls he's made.  Many, many little pieces of wood joined together in this bowl, and it's smooth as silk.
We are so used to getting everything we need right now.  When you can walk into a store and instantly choose from hundreds of mass produced items I think we all forget how to value the time and experience of individual artisan-made items. 
Another woodworker at the market, George Corbitt, makes boxes. Some traditional looking, others follow the natural shape of the branch the wood came from.  All beautiful.  I have given several of these as gifts.  I bought this one for a Christmas present last Saturday.
It is made from a dogwood branch.

I saw a post about this video:
It is very much about the process.  You can appreciate the finished product without knowing much about how it was made, but some knowledge sure does enhance the view. 


1 comment:

  1. Those are really beautiful boxes amazing woodwork.


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