Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2 1/2 hours

...of taxes
It just took so long because Ohio changed up it's on line sales tax system.  After trying to navigate the new one and having my username and password rejected I called the help line and found out I needed to re-register.  Later I noticed a note on the receipt I printed out from filing in January (I file bi-yearly) about the new system that would be starting in March and the site to register for it.  Oh.

 Starting on some pumpkins.

 Some knobs on the left with slip and engobes, which I'm planning to put on a driftwood board.  The ones at right are for holding wicks for burning lamp oil and fit in wine bottles.  I'll see how this works out with the oil burner knobs. The tool broke that I used to use to make the holes and it's been tricky finding something the right size for the wick. I'm trying something new, but also have to decide if the time spent making these is worth it. Between the wick size issue and making it fit a wine bottle, this is one of those things that can suck up a lot of time, but looks like an under $10.00 item because it's small.
Inspiration:  I've had a bag of these shell fragments in my workspace for years.  Took them out to look at the other day and started thinking about some engobe and slip layering. I'm envisioning something a little more blended than the stripes on these bowls I made for the empty bowls project- 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

a mug in Alaska

Nice to know one of my mugs is having a little adventure.
Dan wanted a large mug (20 oz) with a large handle to take to Alaska for the summer.  This one wasn't quite 20 oz.  I had never made a mug that large and wasn't sure how big to go, but he bought it anyway.  I am getting ready to fire a few mugs now that ought to make the size requirement.
This guy left Marietta, Ohio to fly a plane in Alaska!  He just sent these pictures from his iphone.  He didn't say, but I'm sure the one at right is from his plane.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

back on the grid

You don't realize how dependant you are on electricity until it's not there.  We were in the path of the storm that raked through mainly in Ohio and West Virginia Friday evening. We were lucky- no damage to the house, just one pine tree got topped off and some smaller branches off other trees.  It's a little unnerving, though, to experience life without technology.  No air conditioning, no internet, no t.v., zero to spotty cell reception, gas pumps not operating.  At first, no radio news, either.  When we tried to find out what hit us and how widespread it was, the only local radio station with a back-up generator was broadcasting a baseball game that night!  On Saturday we heard we needed to conserve water.  In fact, our water pressure was dropping.  Ivin mentioned that I might want to plan a road trip. After considering the impact of the water situation (hey, if it's 95-100 degrees and I can't take a shower...) I called my brother in PA to inform him of his status as a potential refugee center. Thought that Sunday morning I just might be persuaded to make that trip, but fortunately the electric, along with the water pressure came back.
Many more people are still without, and it may be days before the repairs are made.
We went through this with a hurricane when we lived in Texas.  Only then, we didn't have cell phones and internet to add to the list of dependancies.  It makes you think about how unprepared we are to deal with the basics on our own.

Anyway, before this all happened, I did a firing and here's some stuff:
The tile worked out pretty much like I wanted it too.  You know, when you're layering engobes and slips and glazing over, especially as I am really not that experienced at brushing glazes, how things turn out has that element of mystery.  Sandwiching the tile between drywall squares to dry seemed to do the trick- no warping.

I have a customer who has first dibs on these hand built vases so after she makes her choices I'll put the rest up for sale either at the market or on etsy.  Although I did just have a sale on etsy and am in communication with a customer about a custom order, sales have mostly dried up in that area, while picking up at the market.  I haven't added to my etsy shop for awhile, and it looks it, but I know it's more likely I can sell those items locally right now. 

 Also reserved for same customer.  Hey, if you don't know already, click on these pictures to see them bigger so you can see the textures better.

I saw this baby bird sticking it's head out of the bird house attached to our deck posts looking a little desperate for it's next meal.  It's house made it through the storm unscathed.

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