Sunday, April 15, 2012


I took this driftwood knob hanger to the farmer's market Sat.  These are knobs I had leftover from a few years ago when I made some for furniture.   
I enjoy finding driftwood treasures at the levee in Marietta and had collected a few worn boards with no particular plans for them.  (My husband, I'm sure, wonders about this.)  You never know when and idea will decide to jump out-  The boards in one part of my work space suddenly came together with the bag of mismatched knobs sitting in another part.  I don't think anyone is going to hang a parka on this, but pendants, hats, small wall hangings or sconces, candles joined by the wick, potholders...

Speaking of ideas- This is the idea pile.  Last week I decided to go through all these scraps of paper that I sketch or write inspirations on.  If something comes to mind I best write it down before it disappears on whatever scrap of paper is handy.
Sometimes I get bogged down with commissions or with keeping up with some of the standard things I know will sell, like the berry bowls I made recently.  Meanwhile, I've got this ever-increasing pile of things to try, glazes to test,..etc.  It's a little frustrating to see what I want to do and not be able to get to it.  I decided I needed to pick out a couple of these every now and then and make it happen.


1 comment:

  1. I love your knob board, I have driftwood I collected in California that I keep on hand just in case. Ha. I have three sketch books filled up and periodically I leaf through them to see what ideas I had in the past and try to get to a few each month otherwise, like you, I never will.


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