Thursday, September 6, 2012

getting ready for Harvest Moon

More glazing.  I've decided to really get after my accumulated bisque ware.  I have noticed a certain work pattern has caused this build-up of bisque ware: I want to make enough green ware to fill up the kiln every time I get a commission from a customer, but I'm not going to run the  kiln just for one set of mugs. Then I do the glaze firing, and, as many of you know, a lot more pots will fit in a bisque firing than a glaze firing so there's always some pots that get left out.  Then I get another commission and the cycle starts all over again.

Here's a few things from the last firing-
I'm very fond of the pumpkins.  There are more of these firing in the kiln right now. They seem particularly appropriate for the upcoming Harvest Moon Festival in Parkersburg, West Virginia  September 15 & 16.
I used a clear base glaze with some green-gray stain mixed in for this french butter crock.  This is a glaze I mixed years ago and it was not at all attractive on my iron bearing clay.  I like it a lot on this lighter, almost white stoneware.
I ran into a problem with pinholes in this goldust tenmoku this time. Don't know why.  It only happened on the inside- both lid and jar.  I touched up the glaze and it's getting refired in the current firing, so see what happens. 
An experiment.  I made this plate using a drop frame.  I think I need to look around for wider molding for the frame, as I would prefer a deeper lip around the plate.  I won't be doing this any time soon, though.  It's just too time consuming to search for the right materials and put them together.
Here's a pic of the drop frame. Don't look to close- mitering is not my specialty.
Well, I'm getting to the end of my current glaze firing- at the check on the kiln every 5 minutes phase, so gotta go.


  1. Your pumpkins are just beautiful and I love the gray/white glaze!

  2. Thanks Tracy. I enjoy making the pumpkins, so that's a plus.


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