...of taxes
It just took so long because Ohio changed up it's on line sales tax system. After trying to navigate the new one and having my username and password rejected I called the help line and found out I needed to re-register. Later I noticed a note on the receipt I printed out from filing in January (I file bi-yearly) about the new system that would be starting in March and the site to register for it. Oh.
Starting on some pumpkins.
Some knobs on the left with slip and engobes, which I'm planning to put on a driftwood board. The ones at right are for holding wicks for burning lamp oil and fit in wine bottles. I'll see how this works out with the oil burner knobs. The tool broke that I used to use to make the holes and it's been tricky finding something the right size for the wick. I'm trying something new, but also have to decide if the time spent making these is worth it. Between the wick size issue and making it fit a wine bottle, this is one of those things that can suck up a lot of time, but looks like an under $10.00 item because it's small.
Inspiration: I've had a bag of these shell fragments in my workspace for years. Took them out to look at the other day and started thinking about some engobe and slip layering. I'm envisioning something a little more blended than the stripes on these bowls I made for the empty bowls project-